G. R. Hoelzeman Studios

Liturgical Art, Design, and Consultancy

Our Awards

G. R. Hoelzeman Studios has received the following awards for excellence of liturgical design and creativity:

BENE Award Ministry and Liturgy VAA
Altar of the Lord's Passover
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church
Little Rock, Arkansas
Year: 2001/2002
BENE Honorable Mention
Scriptural Way of the Cross
St. Stephen's Catholic Church
Saginaw, Michigan
Year: 1998
Liturgical Art Guild International Exhibition
Sponsored by Christians in the Visual Arts
Cincinnati, Ohio
Year: 1997
BENE honorable mention
Processional Cross of the Triumphant Christ
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Hempstead, Texas
Year: 1994
BENE Award
African Way of the Cross
St. Augustine's Catholic Church
North Little Rock, Arkansas
Year: 1992