Our Philosophy
Sacred space exists where a community encounters the Divine, offers its worship to God, and experiences the movement of grace. Liturgical art facilitates this transcendent experience and reveals God's boundless beauty.
The church is a metaphor for the Church, as St. Augustine eloquently describes in his sermon for the dedication of a church. The church building becomes authentically sacred only when it is capable of forming real people into the Body of Christ. This spiritual journey does not end, or even culminate with the completion of construction or the dedication of the new space. Rather, the Dedication of a Church and Altar should be seen as an initiation into a deeper living of the liturgical and sacramental life in Christ. To be engaged in this process is to be formed by the process. When this is done successfully, both the church and The Church become manifestations of the Incarnation and celebrate the hope of Resurrection. Simply put, when serious thought and prayer go in to planning, design and construction, the results reveal God and inspire all.
G.R.Hoelzeman Studios strives to be a facilitator of this process through
liturgical consultancy, design and creation. We emphasize working
prayerfully with your community in collaboration with the team formed
by pastor, parish, committee, architect and artists. G.R.Hoelzeman
Studios is committed to creating dynamic liturgical spaces and art which
engages the community at many levels. Our goal is simple: promote full,
active, conscious participation in the Liturgy, which is the source and
summit of the Christian life,
that in all things God may be glorified
(1 Peter 4:11).